越坛竞秀 (1986 – 2006): 绍兴小百花越剧团建团二十周年纪念画册
20 Years’ Passion for An Album in Memory of the Founding of Shaoxing Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe

越坛竞秀 (1986 - 2006): 绍兴小百花越剧团建团二十周年纪念画册 20 Years' Passion for An Album in Memory of the Founding of Shaoxing Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe
中心编码 Centre Barcode:


建制类别 Organization Classification:

社团 Societies

建制名称 Name of Organization:

Shaoxing Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe

刊物名称(中文)Publication Title (in Chinese):

越坛竞秀 (1986 - 2006): 绍兴小百花越剧团建团二十周年纪念画册
Yue Tan Jing Xiu (1986 - 2006): Shao Xing Xiao Bai Hua Yue Ju Tuan Jian Tuan Er Shi Zhou Nian Ji Nian Hua Ce

刊物名称(英文)Publication Title (in English):

20 Years' Passion for An Album in Memory of the Founding of Shaoxing Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe

出刊年份 Year of Publication:


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